Tractor Rotavator

Technical Specification
KMT Laser Land Leveler is perfect for Laser Leveling, Subsidy Approved in INDIA. KMT Laser has a Long-range laser transmitter 1500 meters (750 radius), Computerized self-calibration. In house manufacturing, Development, and testing center for Laser Land Levelers, Rotary laser level accuracy +/- 1 mm at 30 meters, Fuel consumption 4 Liters/hr. Wireless and touch control, Laser receiver working fully under HT lines, Accurate working of the rotary laser at high temperature.
Benefits of Land Levelling:-
- Excellent drainage and uniform distribution of water over entire farm land.
- Reduced irrigation water requirement by up to 40%.
- Efficient use of water resources.
- Saving in levelling and irrigation time.
- Uniform germination and growth of crop.
- Uniform spread of nutrients and fertilizer.